Jeux Flash Gratuits
Jeux Flash Gratuits Jouer gratuitement en ligne > Tir > Explication du jeu Fish Killer > Fish Killer
Jeux Flash Gratuits les jeux de Tir > Fish Killer un jeu de tir de lances sur cibles
Fish Killer

Fish Killer:
The principle of the game Killer Fish (the killer fish) is simple:
You'd catch all the fish that are hovering on your line and out of the water by projecting into the air with the space bar.
When the fish is thrown out of the water, you have to shoot the gun by clicking the mouse to send in your basket.

Tip: you can frighten the fish with your barrel to approximate the line.

A final tip: make sure of the beavers, they do not like you fish in the river.
In addition your fishing rod is highly coveted for the completion of their dam.
So do not leave them approaching.

Controls: the space bar and the mouse


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